How will you overcome language and discrimination issues that will ultimately lead to a climate in which all employees can thrive within the organization and contribute to its success?

Develop a Training and Organizational Development (OD) proposal and presentation to senior management targeted at improving diversity training within an organization of your choice. Many organizations have extended the management of diversity programs beyond HRD programs and processes by changing human resource management (HRM) policies and programs to meet the special needs of the new […]

What kind of retailers would be best suited to direct deliveries from manufacturers?

W4: Outbound Operations This is a continuation of our peeling back the layers of detail that cover all supply chains. We have two questions this week that address the direct delivery of goods to stores and to your home. And in today’s climate of home delivery, the options for answering these questions are everywhere. What […]

Define environmental justice and discuss the connection between this idea and global climate change, using specific details about contributing factors and resulting impacts.

Environmental justice and global climate change Define environmental justice and discuss the connection between this idea and global climate change, using specific details about contributing factors and resulting impacts. 500-700 words use any of these are references you don’t need all:…………  

Consider the nursing professional’s position as a caregiver and/or the healthcare leader as an administrator.

Discussion Question: Use the learning materials and additional resource readings from this week and reflect on whether you oppose or support the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Consider the nursing professional’s position as a caregiver and/or the healthcare leader as an administrator. Explore two significant components of the ACA that could potentially impact specific populations unjustly. […]

What did you learn about volcanic eruptions and climate?

Natural Causes of Climate Change  Investigate natural causes of climate change and complete activities A and B in the material attached. Use the USGS volcano website to help you graph your volcanos. What did you learn about volcanic eruptions and climate?

Identify a recent interpersonal, group-organizational conflict that you were involved in-was later resolved.

This course focuses on identifying types of conflicts and resolving conflicts through effective communication techniques. Your Final Paper will be an eight-to ten-page paper (excluding the APA title and reference pages) that will showcase what you learned about conflict and conflict resolution. Identify a recent interpersonal, group, or organizational conflict that you were involved in […]

‘Disasters can disproportionately affect small island developing States, due to their unique and particular vulnerabilities. The effects of disasters, some of which have increased in intensity and have been exacerbated by climate change, impede their progress towards sustainable development’ (SFDRR, para 14). Critically discuss this statement with reference to one or more examples.

Topic: ‘Disasters can disproportionately affect small island developing States, due to their unique and particular vulnerabilities. The effects of disasters, some of which have increased in intensity and have been exacerbated by climate change, impede their progress towards sustainable development’ (SFDRR, para 14). Critically discuss this statement with reference to one or more examples.