Why do we care about past climates and environments and why focus such studies on the Quaternary?Discuss

Why do we care about past climates and environments and why focus such studies on the Quaternary? How do we know the time and duration of changes in climate and environment that occurred hundred to thousands of years in the past- often lacking any written or graphic records? –

Discuss the connection between the funding sources and research agendas of large universities.

Your task in this assignment will be to create your own Science and Society reading list. This reading list may focus on an historical topic (the state of science in medieval Europe), a contemporary problem (the connection between the funding sources and research agendas of large universities), a philosophical question (the impact of gender or […]

Write a short essay in which you highlight the ways climate change is shaping business, especially: goals, strategies, alliances, staffing, organizational structures (the topics we’ve been covering in the second half of the semester).

Description Climate change is arguably the most pressing issue facing all of us – including business people. The current impact of climate change AND the prospect of increased changes in the future – on agriculture, sea levels/flooding, weather (hurricanes, typhoons, drought), wildfires, etc. is already affecting how forward-thinking business people. Think about their goals, strategies, […]

Discuss Does the effect of vested interest on trust in the message depend on Epistemic preference?

Research Question 1: Does perceived self-interest of a source affect trust in the message? Previous research has found that sources with a vested interest in the argument are trusted less than sources who do not have a vested interest in the argument. i.e., IV_VestedInterest → DV_Trust To test your hypothesis, you will conduct a t-test. […]

What does Helm (2012) say about the role of economics in addressing the climate change?

Q5) What does Helm (2012) say about the role of economics in addressing the climate change? Following the business-to-business carbon cost of products and services as an economic activity, thereby enabling governments to tax products with a high carbon cost and let consumer preferences for lower price lead to markets that sell goods with low […]

Discuss What is the impact of the development of the Alberta Tar Sands on atmospheric CO2? How does that impact climate change?

Write a minimum 6-8 page essay on the Alberta Tar Sands, properly cited. Questions to Reflect On • Discuss some of the financial benefits of Alberta’s tar sands. • Discuss why the financial benefits of the tar sands are not necessarily good for long-term sustainability of Alberta’s economy. • What environmental regulation will limit the […]

Discuss the impact it could have on the other clinic staff and the consumers who use the clinic.

Read the following scenario: Emma and Isabella attend the front office at an urgent care facility. They have worked together for over 5 years and enjoy collaborating on projects. As their manager, you have asked them to work together to create a team training on effective communication in the workplace. Emma feels that it is […]

What is climate forcing? How have humans contributed to climate forcing? Be specific, and talk about one of the following: greenhouse gas emission or albedo.

What is climate forcing? How have humans contributed to climate forcing? Be specific, and talk about one of the following: greenhouse gas emission or albedo. What should you include in the paper? (These are meant to be ideas/hints – you don’t have to (and won’t be able to) include every one of these in each […]