Provide a succinct overview with adequate information in which to contextualise the pre-requisite being discussed

CNA340: Developing professional nursing practice Semester two 2020 Pre-requisites for person centred care: Reflective paper Please note: The sections shaded grey are for your information only and can be deleted for final submission. You are only required to type into the white sections. Word counts are suggested (please delete these instructions for final submission). Brief […]

Describe a recent clinical example of your ability to delegate and work as a nursing team member

Topic: Nursing new graduate Transition program application Paper details: Qustion1: Describe a recent clinical example of your ability to delegate and work as a nursing team member (135 words) Question 2:Give an example of when you were required to use clinical judgement and communicate for patient safety (135 words) Note: job applicant is applying for […]

Discuss one health initiative within your paper/presentation as described below and how it relates to your topic.

Faculty believe that writing and professional presentations are invaluable, creative learning opportunities that can help students learn difficult concepts related to the nursing curriculum. Each student will develop an evidence based practice (EBP) paper and presentation emphasizing best practices on an assigned topic related to course & clinical content. Topics must be approved by course […]

Briefly describe the students identified needs and explain how interventions were selected. Rationalize choices in relation to the needs of the students.

Upon identifying an appropriate intervention tier and aligning intervention strategies, teachers can begin the implementation process. Implementing identified intervention strategies during instruction will help to not only meet the needs of students but help teachers to identify where to monitor and adjust instruction as needed. Implementation and evaluation of intervention is an ongoing process when […]

Explain how healthcare exchanges change the concept of outpatient treatment.  Many clinical information systems now embed practice guidelines and clinical pathways into their electronic medical record systems.

Activity 8 Regulatory Environment Explain how healthcare exchanges change the concept of outpatient treatment.  Many clinical information systems now embed practice guidelines and clinical pathways into their electronic medical record systems.  Discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of this.  Describe demand management and how it can increase consumer involvement in care.  Compare and contrast […]

Identify and discuss current best practices. Address the importance of basing case management on current evidence.

Activity 5 Evidence-Based Practice and Case Management Using your chosen chronic illness from the list below, Hypertension Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Diabetes Mellitus type 2 Childhood Asthma you will explore the use of evidence-based practice and how it is incorporated into case management patient care guidelines and pathways. Identify and discuss current best practices. Address […]

Identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.

Review your problem or issue and the study materials to formulate a PICOT question for your capstone project change proposal. A PICOT question starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The intervention used to address the problem must be a […]

Identify areas of clinical activity in which the role of the nurse practitioner can enhance current practice

Most organisations and authorising bodies require a business case or project proposal to be developed as part of the employment and authorisation process. You will develop a five-year plan for the implementation of your role in your service or department. Follow the guide provided below. You will be marked on these elements in your assignment. […]

What are the client’s strengths that they can apply to their presenting issue?

Summary of client’s overall presenting issue (single sentence): What are the client’s strengths that they can apply to their presenting issue? Client issue/s – concerns, problem, mental health condition or risk e.g., abuse, suicidal ideation. Client goals: what they want and when. Intervention: how will you support the client to address their concerns, problem, mental […]

Demonstrate diagnostic interpretative knowledge in exploring relevant tests and examinations in the clinical reasoning process

Critically applies understanding of the medico-legal and ethical issues to the case scenario and demonstrates how it is integrated in the consultation process Critically analyses the assessment data generated from the history taking and physical examination process and conveys an awareness and relevance of the ‘red flags’ in the decision making process. Debate the component […]