What additional information about your past experience may aid the selection committee in evaluating your preparation and aptitude for graduate study at UCLA?

Statement of Purpose : Can be up to 500 words in length A. What is your purpose in applying for graduate study in your specified degree (Master Entrance Clinical Nurse )? Describe your area(s) of interest? B. What experiences have prepared you for advanced study of research in this degree (have an associate degree of […]

Identify a problem area in a practice setting that you specifically want to address (e.g., practice, policy, population, education) that aligns with organizational priorities.

Topic: C493 JLP1 Leadership Learning Experience Task 1 Choose a clinical focus (e.g., practice, policy, education, population) in which you apply your leadership problem solving skills. Develop a project within a practice setting that allows you to develop these leadership skills.Identify a problem area in a practice setting that you specifically want to address (e.g., […]

How do you engage students in learning opportunities specific to mathematics?

Topic: A Math Observation Allocate at least 4 hours in the field to support this field experience, Part 1: Observation Observing a classroom environment can provide much needed detail and understanding of students’ learning needs and continued progress. For this field experience, observe a FIRST GRADE classroom during a math lesson. During your observation of […]

Explain how you will adapt these characteristics/attributes in the clinical setting

Professional Identity of a Graduate Nurse Creating Your Professional Identity Competency Determine the attributes that help form the professional nurses’ identity. Apply principles of professional identity and professionalism. Scenario As a nursing student, you have a vision of your core values and expectations as a professional nurse. In this assignment, create a plan to guide […]

Create an organizational chart for each organizational structure discussed above and describe which one applies to the clinical site or your work environment.

Identify and describe each type of organizational structure (functional, service line, matrix and flat) Create an organizational chart for each organizational structure discussed above and describe which one applies to the clinical site or your work environment. Develop simple mission statements that could be supported by each type of structure and present a rationale for […]

Do you think the NI program needs to migrate to the BS-DNP program? Consider who are your peers at work as opposed to the APRNs

How is the INS different from other types of informaticians? Do you think the NI program needs to migrate to the BS-DNP program? Consider who are your peers at work as opposed to the APRNs. If you are an INS in a healthcare system, how would you ensure the NI competency of nursing staff? Discuss […]

Summarize the findings of the research article selected. Cite the information using APA format in the body of your paper.

Clinical Problem Evidence Based Identify a clinical problem or clinical protocol from your current nursing practice and write a paper that includes the following information: 1. Identify the clinical problem or protocol. 2. Perform a search to identify one nursing research article related to your problem or protocol. 3. Summarize the findings of the research […]

What insights did you glean from this study about the information behaviors of your community?

Topic: blog 4 child abuse(The Involvement of Clinical Psychologists in Child Protection Work) Child Abuse Review Vol. 22: 367–376 (2013) Summarize one of the peer-reviewed studies relating to the information behaviors of your information community you have found. Briefly describe the author’s credentials, the scope of the study, the methodology, and findings of the piece. […]

Identify the PICOT problem, what clinical problems or issues may arise from clinical care?

PICOT Question Paper Review your problem or issue and the study m In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome. Step 1: Create PICOT question; A PICOT question is presented and provides a clear framework for the capstone project change proposal. Your […]

How can Memos help communication between clinical and non-clinical leaders in healthcare?

What are some key items about Memos? List 4 items and then give a detailed explanation about one of these items. Why are business writing skills important for leaders in healthcare? How can Memos help communication between clinical and non-clinical leaders in healthcare? https://writingcenter.gmu.edu/guides/writing-business-memos