What are your thougths related to the addictive nature of particular foods?

Discussion 5 1. Consider the controversy related to food addiction. Some individuals in recovery from food addiction have noted that they need to abstain from certain foods (processed sugar) in order to have control over their eating behaviors. In contrast, some clinicians who specialize in eating disorders report that moderation, rather than restricting particular food […]

Create a preliminary market analysis for a geriatric psychiatric unit.

Clinicians are practicing EBM when they use data from research that shows desirable outcomes and then make decisions on how to treat patients. Likewise, leaders and managers use EBMgt to make decisions on how to operate, improve, or add new services to a healthcare organization. You are the chief executive officer (CEO) of an acute-care […]

How would you balance the need to deliver desired CDS capabilities quickly against the benefits of establishing robust infrastructure to enable future deliverables to be implemented more quickly?

Select two of the case studies located in the course textbook at the end of Chapters 7, 8, 9, or 10, and answer the questions associated with those case studies in a cohesive, APA-formatted paper. Chapter 7: How are patients prioritized for bed assignment? Describe some of the advantages and disadvantages of this new software; […]

Describe a fictitious client scenario to use as an example for this assignment that challenges your preconceived notions of gender identity, sexual orientation, attraction type, and/or relationship style.

Perceptions of Sexuality Paper Attraction between intimate partners can be attributed to a wide range of personal qualities. People choose to have partners, or not, at different times in their lives for a variety of reasons. As a counselor, you may be expected to work with clients who have attraction preferences, sexual behaviors, or comfort […]

Discuss the issues associated with people who have not been diagnosed with clinical depression yet use antidepressants to enhance their mood.

For this assignment, you will choose an Ethics Paper on the chapter of your choice. You will then read the Ethics Paper and provide a concise response to answer the two (2) questions pertaining to the topic. Your response to each question should be between 1 – 2 pages (double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman Font, […]

Describe the number of participants used to develop the measure and their demographic characteristics (e.g., age, gender, race/ethnicity)

Week 5: Measure Critique Critiqued by: Date: Name of measure: Developer(s): Source reference (provide the complete citation, using correct APA format, of the article, book or website that contains the key information on the measure you are critiquing here): Construct(s) assessed (e.g., depression, relationship satisfaction, stress): Method of administration: Summary of reliability evidence (this includes […]

Discuss:Do you believe patients/clinicians would be motivated to use app? Are there privacy risks?

Choose 2 mobile apps, one for patients and one for clinicians. Assess for credibility using SPPACES (American Academy of Family Practice). 1. Source of development (maximum 10 points) 2. Platform (what devices may be used?…Android 75 % of market/iphones 20%) (maximum 10 points) 3. Pertinence (how often will it be used?) (maximum 10 points) 4. […]

Discuss the four pillars of assessment and how they can help clinicians make appropriate decisions about children with disabilities.

1. Discuss the four pillars of assessment and how they can help clinicians make appropriate decisions about children with disabilities. 2. What do we learn from the Daniel Hoffman vs Board of Education case? 3. The eclectic approach is preferred by many experts in the field of psychology. Consider why this approach is preferred or […]

Discuss:How and why is the content areadifferent? To what extent is this content culture-specific?How will the test be administered? Individually or in groups? Is itamenable to both group and individual administration?

What is the test designed to measure? This is a deceptively simple question. Its answer is closely linked to how the test developer defines the construct being measured and how that definition is the same as or different from other tests purporting to measure the same construct.What is the objective of the test? In the […]