What are the dangers to the unit, your other fellow unit members, and yourself if your partner is actually using cocaine?

You are a member of a major metropolitan police department and assigned in a covert narcotics operations unit. Often, while working undercover, you are required to simulate the use of drugs without actually taking them. You have a partner who has always treated you well and taken care of you. On at least one occasion, […]

Should different laws and penalties be applied to the different forms?

Consider the different effects and risks associated with the various forms of cocaine (chewing the coca leaf, snorting cocaine, injecting cocaine, smoking crack). Cocaine in its various forms has presented psychosocial issues (financial, relationships, addiction, etc.) for individuals who engage in the use in any form. Should different laws and penalties be applied to the […]

How then could you still justify the prohibition of Cocaine by the government of the USA

Reflect on two documents: (To receive full credit, you must respond and comment on two other students) (1) Why we Took Coca Out of Coca-Cola (2) Cocaine out of Coca-Cola_Blacks Questions: What were the real reasons that coca was taken out of Coca Cola? Do these reasons mean that cocaine was not or is not […]

Explain how the foregoing proposition can be both reconciled and defended, and why you would agree or disagree with the referenced proposition.

Topic: Week 3 post Consider the fact that you need to discuss, analyze, and formulate responsive positions based on your scholarly research. Be certain to base your responses on factual and actuarial information from the readings or other diverse scholarly resources. DISCUSSION: Based on your reading of the materials required for this week, address the […]

Why did you pick this particular substance-What are the proper medical uses?

For your final paper, the directions are as follows: Pick a substance from the book (cocaine or opioids) Introduce the drug. Why did you pick this particular substance? What are the proper medical uses? How is the drug being abused? How is this effecting society? How do you primarily treat the abuse of this drug? […]