define a new random uquence X, by subtracting 1 from the product of three conucutive Sk values

Let {5,} be an infinite sequence of i.i.d.Al(1, 1) random variables. define a new random uquence X, by subtracting 1 from the product of three conucutive Sk values, according to: X, = S„,S,S,_, —1. Let =  be an estimate of &arrived at by passing X, through en LTI filter:   S,         Al(1, 1) […]

What is the density and diameter in your network? Apply at least three measures of centrality to study the importance of the nodes in your network.

Present and study a network that you will create yourself. A: Description of your network: Describe briefly your network. What/who are the nodes? What do the edges represent? What type of a network is it (i.e. directed, undirected, …)? How did you collect the network data (i.e. is it from memory, if it is based […]