Write your own argument about whether or not you think juveniles should be held to different standards of justice than adults because of cognitive developmental differences

Write your own argument about whether or not you think juveniles should be held to different standards of justice than adults because of cognitive developmental differences, and why, using evidence from the article, the book, and other credible sources.  

Compare and contrast the theories of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive Development and Bandura’s Social Learning Theory.

Compare and contrast the theories of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive Development and Bandura’s Social Learning Theory. Be thorough in your description of each theory, making sure you include significant aspects and elements. Additionally, provide specific examples to explain the comparisons and contrasts. Also, include the impact on the theories on development and learning.  

Are you a passionate user of this product or service yourself-What makes you a credible source?

If you have never watched the show Shark Tank, the concept is as follows: The show features a panel of investors called “sharks,” who hear persuasive pitches from entrepreneurs on their product or service. The sharks often find weaknesses and faults in an entrepreneur’s lack of persuasive selling. The entrepreneur must be very persuasive and […]

Explain how each of the significant event(s) have impacted on the character’s development throughout their lifespan phase.

Aim: The aim of this task is to allow you to apply your understanding of the impact of significant life events (context) on lifespan development across the developmental domains (physical, cognitive and psychosocial). Task: Choose ONE of the movies listed below. Write a 2000 word essay which focuses on the significant event(s) in the character’s […]

How do they help you understand the problem or issue-Why are they good sources?

You will write a 500-750 word essay in which you will: 1. Select a topic relevant to the COVID pandemic (access to health care, economic inequality, the global context of the pandemic, racial and ethnic disparities in contraction rate or access to the vaccine, political decision-making and leadership, etc). 2. Provide at least three scholarly […]

How you will include diverse populations

Study of child Development Child development is extremely important for teachers to know because it enables them to determine strategies for teaching and learning. By understanding child development, a teacher can make the most appropriate decisions regarding expectations for learning and identify children who may have problems with learning.   Assume you are an educational consultant […]

Which of your qualities do you believe will help make you a successful parent-Which of your qualities may interfere with your ability to be a successful parent?

Topic: A letter to unborn child Compose a 4-page letter to your unborn child addressing the six questions below. If you already have a child (or children), write the letter to one or all your children. If you have decided not to have children, write a letter to a “never born” child. Imagine that the […]

Discuss how each treatment/intervention will positively affect the service member’s or veteran’s life if properly implemented.

Instructions Week 3 TBI Assignment Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) has increasingly affected combat service members as the injuries sustained in combat have continued to evolve. TBI can result affect the physical, psychological, sensory, and many other functions of service members during and after combat. However, the symptoms are easily misdiagnosed for other conditions, or missed […]

Explain how you could collect quantitative data and qualitative data and which you prefer and why

Observation Purpose – Identify something you would like to (or theoretically like to) observe about a child (aligned to cognitive, socio-emotional, and/or physical development) Observation Context/Setting – Explain the context and why you want to observe him or her Type of Data – Explain how you could collect quantitative data and qualitative data and which […]

What kind of social, medical, emotional, and cognitive supports do you believe this person needs?

1. Watch the following video and take notes: Older People are Happier: https://www.ted.com/talks/laura_carstensen_older_people_are_happier?language=en 2. Write your initial discussion commenting about the video. 3. Answer the following questions as you write your post: Identify age-related changes that you see in an individual (family member or client/patient) and describe the impact these changes have had on the […]