Discuss the end of the war and the emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union as competing world powers.

World War II is a watershed moment in history. Its impact had far-reaching consequences for not only the United States but the world as a whole. Discuss the end of the war and the emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union as competing world powers. How did the end of World II help […]

Why was the United States unable to avoid entering a Cold War with the Soviet Union?

HIST WK 5 – FOR REAL For this Discussion, answer ALL questions 1. Why was the United States unable to avoid entering a Cold War with the Soviet Union? 2. In what ways were Truman’s and Eisenhower’s foreign policies similar? How did they differ? 3. What was the relationship between consumer culture and the emphasis […]

Is consumerism used today as a tool of American foreign policy?

Short Essay Question History House Beautiful magazine stated that the country’s most powerful weapon in the Cold War was “the freedom offered by washing machines and dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, automobiles, and refrigerators.” Analyze this statement, explaining how consumerism was used in the 1950s to combat the Cold War. Is consumerism used today as a tool […]

How did Cold War politics lead to the United States fighting in the Vietnam War?

Answer the following questions in at least 3-5 complete sentences each and include supportive details: What caused the French to withdraw from Vietnam? Why did the fighting in Vietnam turn into a stalemate by the mid-1960s? How did Cold War politics lead to the United States fighting in the Vietnam War? What was the result […]

Is consumerism used today as a tool of American foreign policy?

House Beautiful magazine stated that the country’s most powerful weapon in the Cold War was “the freedom offered by washing machines and dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, automobiles, and refrigerators.” Analyze this statement, explaining how consumerism was used in the 1950s to combat the Cold War. Is consumerism used today as a tool of American foreign policy? […]

Compare and contrast decolonization in India and China during the 20th century.

Describe the Cold War period from the era of containment through the age of détente. What were the reasons for the rivalry between the U.S. and the Soviet Union at the end of World War II, how was the era of containment one of conflicts and “hot wars”, and how did the end of containment […]

Explain what factor(s) made the communications effective and timely.

If your last name begins with A – M, you must complete the following: Identify, from the course text readings on World War I, World War II, and the Cold War, one example from each conflict of effective, timely communications of national interests between international actors. Explain what factor(s) made the communications effective and timely. […]

What are the article’s weaknesses-What could the author have done better?

Cultural Exchange and the Cold War: Explain How the West Won 1st paragraph-What is the author’s primary argument? 2nd paragraph-Provide a summary of the articles content. What important people, places, and events are examined? 3rd paragraph-What are the article’s strengths? What did the author do well? 4th paragraph-What are the article’s weaknesses? What could the […]

Compare US policy and actions in vietnam during the 1960s before and after Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

Topic: The Vietnam Wars Additional information needed to complete final assessment: Compare the US view of Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh during World War II and the Cold War. Compare US policy and actions in vietnam during the 1960s before and after Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. What changed after 1964? Feel free to cite the […]