Assess the various critiques in relating to “Liberal Peace” in the peace-building literature, and the implications of these for current and future peace-building practice.

The Emergence of Peace-Building, and “Liberal Peace”: Critically evaluate the emergence of the notion and practice of “peace-building” since the end of the Cold War and the rising to prominence of “Liberal Pea “State-building” and “Peace-building”: Evaluate the theoretical and practical differences and convergences between “state-building” and “peace-building”, and critically reflect on their implications. Critiques […]

Was European Imperialism primarily motivated by economic gain?Discuss

Pick one of the paper topics listed below and refer to the available readings in the “issue response readings” folder on google drive (NOTE: outside sources are not permitted without prior approval. This assignment is NOT a research paper): 1. Was European Imperialism primarily motivated by economic gain? 2. Did the Treaty of Versailles cause […]

What has been the impact of NATO on the propensity for nations to go to war? Include both Cold War and post-Cold War examples. What did NATO do when Russia moved into Ukraine’s Crimea region?

Reading Response on NATO Let’s compose a short essay on NATO. What has been the impact of NATO on the propensity for nations to go to war? Include both Cold War and post-Cold War examples. What did NATO do when Russia moved into Ukraine’s Crimea region? Use your textbook, the Mearsheimer article, and the printed […]

Discuss,On the “Yes” side, what was the historian’s strongest piece of evidence or line of reasoning?

Read the two PDFS attached – PDF ‘Another such Victory’ is the ‘YES’ side. Yes: “’Another Such Victory’: President Truman, American Foreign Policy and the Cold War.” PDF ‘The Cold War in Stalin’s time’ is the ‘NO’ side No: “The Cold War in Stalin’s time. Answer the following questions: 1. On the “Yes” side, what […]

What do you think was the most important cause(s) of the Cold War?  Why do you think the Soviet Union eventually lost to the United States and collapsed?

1) World War I and World War II are events that are larger and more complex than any one individual or group of individuals. Yet in many ways the two wars are linked by one man, Adolf Hitler.  He fought in World War I, wrote Mein Kampf in the interwar years and ordered the invasion of Poland […]

What were some things that stood out to you about the final days of the Soviet Union?

1) What were some things that stood out to you about the final days of the Soviet Union? Your answer should be drawn from your readings and the documentary. 2) The post Cold War era was one of American global economic, political and cultural dominance. The 9/11 terror attacks significantly impacted that status quo.  In […]

Identify how the issue in the document relates to American life today.

Here you will be examining the following events in American History: The Reagan Revolution The End of the Cold War The Gulf War The Stock Market Crash of 1987 Choose one of the primary source documents from the topic list below. Using the primary source reading, answer the following questions. Context (15 points): Name of […]