what challenges would you expect to face-How would you prepare?

Watch the short video in the following link and answer the questions that follows: Ethics and Social Responsibility Google’s China Problem (and China’s Google Problem) https://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/23/magazine/google… 12.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): If you were planning to do business in a culture that was opposite from your own on the cultural dimensions of “power distance” and […]

Explain your conceptualizations and measures of the concepts, explain your model (e.g., which concepts do you use as independent, dependent, moderating, or mediating variables – visualize your model in a figure).

The question is: The list below contains some key theoretical concepts. Choose three to six (3-6) of these concepts and construct an originally developed “conceptual research model” with hypotheses. Explain your conceptualizations and measures of the concepts, explain your model (e.g., which concepts do you use as independent, dependent, moderating, or mediating variables – visualize […]

Define collectivism and individualism and explain how they may influence an individual’s self-concept.

Briefly explain the four dimensions of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. Write 6 different paragrphs Explain how cognitive and social-learning theories explain your self-image. Write 6 different paragrphs Define collectivism and individualism and explain how they may influence an individual’s self-concept. Write 6 different paragrphs