List at least three reasons why adolescents’ increased cognitive abilities fail to deter them from irrational behaviors.

Appropriate assignment, described why you chose topic. Chose appropriate topic; thoroughly described topic with excellent details as to why topic was chosen. 5.0 pts Excellent (5) 4.0 pts Good (4) 3.0 pts Average (3) 0.0 pts No Marks 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearched state and local statistics and explained why […]

How does the Watts neighborhood in Los Angeles illustrate the social, political, economic and geographical conditions that gave rise to the law and order discourse and mass incarceration?

1) What is the Southern strategy and how did it begin the criminalization of race associated with mass incarceration? 2) What role did political repression play in the militarization of the police? 3) What is postwar racial liberalism and how did it contribute to the beginning of mass incarceration? 4) How has race been pathologized […]