What major innovations do you feel impacted college football through the years?Explain.

What major innovations do you feel impacted college football through the years? When the forward pass was introduced just into the 20th century, it revolutionized the game. Consider the implementation of 11-man squads to the sport. Additionally, consider the integration of major college football, along with major network broadcasts and the amount of money it […]

When is the best age for a child to begin owning a smartphone?Describe.

Topic: When is the best age for a child to begin owning a smartphone? Paper details: A requirement for ENG101 by both the college and the state is that students write a formal research paper. All ENG101 students will write a formal research paper that is at least 6 full pages not including the Works […]

Describe,Why did you and/or your family chose to come to the United States? What do you hope to achieve and how will your studies at Perimeter College help you reach your goals?

Please describe life in your native country. Why did you and/or your family chose to come to the United States? What do you hope to achieve and how will your studies at Perimeter College help you reach your goals? *This is a three-part essay question. Suggested length is 500 words. Please outline and detail your […]

Write about experiences that contribute to the development of a nontraditional college student. Include positive and negative experiences and/or opportunities missed that would have been beneficial. How are nontraditional students at a disadvantage by not partaking in the categories provided.

Write about experiences that contribute to the development of a nontraditional college student. Include positive and negative experiences and/or opportunities missed that would have been beneficial. How are nontraditional students at a disadvantage by not partaking in the categories provided. See attachment.

 Discuss your current or future role as an educator and how your education at American College Of Education will help you impact an educational community.

Qualification: Awarded to a student with financial need who wants to transform their organization by advancing their education. Prompt: Discuss how your program ( Master of Education in Advanced studies, Majoring in mathematics with the focus on teaching online) at American College Of Education puts advancing your education within your financial grasp and how you plan to […]

Discuss;Does Divorce Always Hurt Children?

Choose one of the following topic options, and write a 5-paragraph persuasive essay. Topic Option One: Does Divorce Always Hurt Children? Opinions are divided as to whether divorce hurts children. Almost no one argues that divorce is always good for kids. However, many people do claim that there are certain times when divorce can help […]

How was your trajectory set up from an early age? Was it a given that you would attend college? Is your path traditional or non-traditional given your social location relative to others who share it? What kinds of expectations do your family and peers have of you?

Paper details: This assignment asks you to critically examine your social location. Our social location is comprised of numerous factors including race, social class, gender, age, sexual orientation, political affiliation, and the physical location in the world where we reside. First, discuss your social location given the parameters previously mentioned. Next, tell me a bit […]

Discuss:Whether or not college is worth the money is a controversial topic. Some people believe that

1. >Essay Claim: “Is College Worth the $?” 2. [Read p. 33-53] AND ANNOTATE as you read the articles (read all of the articles) *{These articles are divided into both pros and cons surrounding the topic is college worth the money} 3. Complete the “Template for Structuring an Argument Template Introduction: (Every one will use […]