What elements in society stayed the same?

The American Revolution pitted a minority of colonists against the most powerful empire of the era. Was the American Revolution truly revolutionary? What changes came out of it? Were these changes revolutionary in nature? What elements in society stayed the same? Raise at least one interestichong question for your classmates  

What methods do you plan to use to track these specifications as the project unfolds, and how will you communicate the progress on the deliverables to the stakeholders in the conglomerate?

Project Management Project managers serve a very important role at the beginning of the project that sets the stage for the successful delivery of the project outcomes with the customer. This role is that of helping the customer to very prescriptively define the specifications that will be used to measure the success of the project […]

Who was most responsible for the outbreak of the American Revolution – the British or the colonists?Discuss.

Subject: History Topic: Who was most responsible for the outbreak of the American Revolution – the British or the colonists? Paper details: Hi, I’ve left the topic and you may choose who you like to believe was responsible for the American Revolution, either or is fine with me. I will leave a file that contains […]