What are the key obstacles and challenges we have to face to accomplish this goal?

Myths and misconceptions have clouded our understanding of Mars for centuries. Today, we understand the red planet much better. In this discussion, you will reflect on the what we have learned and what we still need to know about this intriguing world. Choose one of the following topics to discuss: We hope, within the next […]

After watching the documentary, share your thoughts and analysis on the some of the main key thematics or problematics in relation to

Documentary:Explain  The good and the ugly effects of globalization The Good and the Ugly Effects of Globalization | A World on the Brink After watching the documentary, share your thoughts and analysis on the some of the main key thematics or problematics in relation to: The legacies of manifest destiny, colonization, colonialism and imperialism; and […]

Discuss the view of either religion or commerce that Columbus reveals in the letter and consider how those views inform the actions he recounts. Are there other possible readings?

Discussion 1: Exploration/Colonization, Columbus, De Vaca For this week’s forum, respond to ONE of the following questions: 1. Who are Columbus’s audiences, and how can you tell? Explain how his letter reveals a specific self-characterization that is tailored for these audiences. 2. How does Columbus view the Native Americans? Discuss his interpretation of their culture, […]

What similarities and differences exist between settler colonialism-colonization,

3. Settler Colonialism and Colonization In this week, we examined the origins of the United States in terms of colonization, settler colonialism and the erasure of American Indian and Native Hawaiian claims to sovereignty . Citing at least two of the supplementary materials, please answer the following questions in a few paragraphs: What similarities and […]

Describe the drivers and effect of colonization within the region and each of the countries. (1 slide) with speaker notes

The Origin and Impact of Globalization In a PowerPoint presentation, conduct and apply your research to answer the following questions. 1) Describe the drivers and effect of colonization within the region and each of the countries. (1 slide) with speaker notes 2) Discuss how the three aspects of globalization (economic, political, and sociocultural dimensions) influenced […]

Why is it important to have Native American actors and stories represented in film?

Shifting representations of Native Americans in film How are media representations connected to power and colonization? How does The Exiles, Harold of Orange, or Powwow Highway connect to the lived experiences of Native American communities in the 20th century? Why is it important to have Native American actors and stories represented in film? Connect your […]

What is Afro-Caribbean philosophy according to the author Paget Henry?

1. What is Afro-Caribbean philosophy according to the author Paget Henry? 2. What does Caliban’s reason refer to according to Paget Henry? 2. While racial colonialism tends to involve the destruction of colonized peoples, the taking of their lands and natural resources, the exploitation of native labor and the management of their government and economy […]

Explain the relationship between food production and power in the lives of Native American women before European colonization of the New World. Was this relationship altered after European arrival and if so how? In general, how did Native American women’s lives change after European colonization of the Americas?

Q1- Explain the relationship between food production and power in the lives of Native American women before European colonization of the New World. Was this relationship altered after European arrival and if so how? In general, how did Native American women’s lives change after European colonization of the Americas? Q2- How and why did the […]

What characteristics defined the Old World? In your opinion, based on fact and critical analysis, which of these was the most important to be overturned in order to create a new, better order? Why? Explain fully.

1) What characteristics defined the Old World? In your opinion, based on fact and critical analysis, which of these was the most important to be overturned in order to create a new, better order? Why? Explain fully. 2) The Catholic Church itself was responsible for the Protestant Reformation. To what extent do you agree/disagree? Why? […]