Develop a Python Script that performs LSB data hiding using the True Color Image Provided.

Python Question Develop a Python Script that performs LSB data hiding using the True Color Image Provided. Create simple covert communication capability within the true color image provided. You will be using the Python Image Library (PIL), the true color bmp file provided and the simple code book provided here. link to files:  

Why is it your favorite? Height? Color? Something interesting or fascinating?

Breed Paper Write a 1 page OPINION paper on your favorite breed of dog, cat exotic, or aquatic animal. 12 point, Times New Roman, double-spaced. No formal research needed. Just tell about your favorite breed: known medical condition? Why is it your favorite? Height? Color? Something interesting or fascinating?

How is the argument being supported-Are there gaps in the argument and/or its support material?

Readings: Race After Technology by RUHA BENJAMIN The Color of LAW by RICHARD ROTHSTEIN Answer these three questions for each readings (READING 1 AND READING 2) What is the argument of the essay? How is the argument being supported? Are there gaps in the argument and/or its support material?  

Compare or contrast life in America for white people to life for people of color.

This is the most important essay of the semester, and I am severely depressed with little motivation. I am paying way too much for this to fail lol please don’t let me down! Here are the instructions: Compare or contrast life in America for white people to life for people of color.

Describe this constancy in a paragraph. Again, you should do some research on how it is described in the field, and then armed with that information, present this information using your own words. Give evidence for it where possible.

Above is an example of lightness constancy. Look at the checkerboard scene on the left: Which squares do you perceive to be the same? If you are like most people, your visual system creates the perception that square A and C are different, and A and B are identical, even though (and now look at the […]

To be color brave corresponds to which stage of cultural competence?Explain.

Question 1: To be color brave corresponds to which stage of cultural competence? See the PowerPoint and lecture video Question 2: “Do you want me to hire the minority, or do you want me to hire the best person for the job?” This is a question that people often ask when the task is hiring […]