Briefly describe why you selected the rating that you did.

Information Literacy Competency: Information literacy competency is a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes towards recognizing when and why information is needed, where to find it, how to evaluate, manage and apply it, synthesize, use and communicate it ethically and legally”. ( On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being […]

Explain how microeconomics provides answers to this, outlining key insights from microeconomics theory on Choice under Uncertainty.

Intermediate Microeconomics 1. How do rational individuals decide what to buy? a) Explain how microeconomics provides answers to this, outlining key insights from microeconomics theory on Rational Consumer Choice. b) Why might optimal choices vary between individuals? c) Why might optimal choices change over time? With respect to parts b) and c), provide interesting illustrative […]

What question(s), arguments, issue(s) does the author(s) address?-What answer(s), arguments, are suggested?

Crises, and Violence against Women You are writing about and may connect the idea(s) in the readings to any topic(s) of your choice (for example, your personal life or current events). You may focus on one of the Week’s reading, all of the Week’s readings, or any combination. If you are struggling to come up […]