Qnalyze data on educational achievement, income, health statistics, family dynamics, and economic security.

Imagine that you work for a local chamber of commerce as a research assistant. Your supervisor is concerned about the gendered wage gap your organization is not closing, and the added dimension of race appears to further impact these gaps. You have been charged with conducting research and possible solutions to the issue and your […]

Discuss the advantages/disadvantages of M-Commerce over E-Commerce.Discuss how the five Location-Based services mentioned in Video 3 could benefit a typical SME of your choice?

Assignment – Case Study 2 on Mobile Commerce ▪ Word Limit: 1500 words (excluding cover page/table of contents, reference/bibliography) and please add tables, images or charts/diagrams in appendix) Please take some time to view the following four videos (at least twice) on Mobile and Location-Based Commerce. Video 1. Location Based Advertising (2 mins) Video 2. […]

What security protocols are used to protect email? What security protocols are predominantly used in electronic commerce? What are the 2 modes in which IPSec can be used?

Topic 1: What security protocols are used to protect email? What security protocols are predominantly used in electronic commerce? What are the 2 modes in which IPSec can be used? Be sure to cite your sources.