Discuss how you may be able to use images and visuals to communicate in your personal life and career.

Throughout this course, we have thoroughly examined the effects visuals have on viewers. We have analyzed the sensory and perceptual responses of viewers when they see media images. In a 1-2-page APA formatted paper with an additional reference page (template here), address the following: Reflect on what you have learned about visuals and how they […]

What was your reaction? Discuss why microaggressions are harmful. Provide supporting evidence of the negative impact of microaggressions.

We will continue to discuss ability/disability identities this unit and the next. There are 2 parts to this week’s discussion. This week, as you read the unit’s content, Research any disability violations and related lawsuits in your current local region or profession. Then, discuss a brief plan on how you would limit these kinds of […]

Discuss,In the prisoner’s dilemma game that you watched, would the players behave differently if they were allowed to communicate verbally before they played the game (in two separate rooms)?

Paper details: Watch the video, and discuss the question. Discuss the following on the discussion board The Prisoner’s Dilemma Game: In the prisoner’s dilemma game that you watched, would the players behave differently if they were allowed to communicate verbally before they played the game (in two separate rooms)? Discuss and explain your rationale behind […]

Discuss,Do you think it’s okay to pseudo-listen sometimes? If so, explain and give an example. If not, how do you communicate to the other person that you can’t fully listen right now without hurting their feelings?

Answer the following prompt from your own perspective and support your response with at least one clear example from your personal experience. Your response should be in short-answer/paragraph form. After submitting your prompt, you should read the prompts of at least two classmates and respond to their prompts in a meaningful way. This can be […]

Paper details: HI I NEED A PAPER. 1. Watch the following music videos: “Thriller” by Michael Jackson; “Like a Prayer” by Madonna; “Jeremy” by Pearl Jam; “Terrible Lie” by Nine Inch Nails Who is the “villain” or “enemy” depicted in each song? What do these songs communicate about society at the time they were popular? THANKS!

1. Watch the following music videos: “Thriller” by Michael Jackson; “Like a Prayer” by Madonna; “Jeremy” by Pearl Jam; “Terrible Lie” by Nine Inch Nails Who is the “villain” or “enemy” depicted in each song? What do these songs communicate about society at the time they were popular? THANKS!

What is good writing, and when have you read it or produced it? Don’t just think school writing here—think personal writing, writing you’ve done on the job, stories and poems you’ve written, social media posts, and so on. If you’re combining symbols to communicate with yourself or others, it counts as writing.

What is good writing, and when have you read it or produced it? Don’t just think school writing here—think personal writing, writing you’ve done on the job, stories and poems you’ve written, social media posts, and so on. If you’re combining symbols to communicate with yourself or others, it counts as writing. What role will […]

Explain any personal biases and social and professional ethical dilemmas that might arise as you take action.

Explain any personal biases and social and professional ethical dilemmas that might arise as you take action. Determine how to evaluate and measure the success of the solution to the problem if it were to actually be implemented. Propose methods for promoting innovation and creative solutions for organizational challenges related to your selected problem. Describe […]

Discuss:do you think that marketers have a social responsibility to be inclusive? Can you find examples of marketing campaigns that are or are not inclusive? And how does that support your thinking on marketers’ social responsibility?

Marketers leverage bias in order to communicate effectively and directly to their various audiences. However, some of the unintended consequences of leveraging these biases is the continued support of stereotypes, racism, sexism, and other exclusionary viewpoints that can lead to social unrest and inequality. In this week’s discussion, do you think that marketers have a […]