What can be done to ensure that all appropriate stakeholders are communicated with and involved, and what may happen if someone is left out?

What are some ways to identify project stakeholders? Which stakeholders do you think are often not identified when they should be? What can be done to ensure that all appropriate stakeholders are communicated with and involved, and what may happen if someone is left out?  

How should the CEOs communicate the statements to establish alignment across the merged organization?

U3 – Individual Project The CEOs need to create a new Mission, Vision, and Values statement for the merged company. They have asked you to work with them on this project. They will create a presentation that will be communicated to all employees. The presentation will help to support unity in the merged company. Review […]

Discuss,Were there any patterns or surprises? Elaborate on what took up your time and why. Indicate whether you had interferences or distractions. Be prepared to compare your media- use patterns with those of others in the class.

Just make it look like a log that a typical American college student would have!! Keep a media log* for a 24- hour period between today and the next class. Make a chart showing how you got information, how you communicated information, and which media you used. Indicate how long you viewed or read, a […]