Describe the ways the United States adapted to change and the expectations that came with being a superpower during the Cold War. What was the biggest challenge that the United States had to overcome with the rising pressure of Communism? How did the changing national interests impact American perspectives on society?

Describe the ways the United States adapted to change and the expectations that came with being a superpower during the Cold War. What was the biggest challenge that the United States had to overcome with the rising pressure of Communism? How did the changing national interests impact American perspectives on society? Your response should be […]

Develop an argument that evaluates how one or more of these political ideologies challenged the existing political and/or social order.

Topic: In the period 1900 to 2001, people and states around the world adopted political ideologies such as communism, fascism, or nationalism to challenge the existing political and/or social order. 1. Develop an argument that evaluates how one or more of these political ideologies challenged the existing political and/or social order.

Summarize How the fear of communism or McCarthyism developed in the US McCarthy and his senate committee

Post-Project Assignment: McCarthyism “McCarthyism” was an era when the fear of communism dominated American society and government. The term emerged from the actions of US Senator Joseph McCarthy but it refers to a wide-range of activities from roughly 1950-1954. Write a 2,000-word paper about McCarthyism. Regarding writing mechanics, the paper must: Be well-organized and clearly […]

Choose one of the seven types of government discussed during the first week of class (anarchy, theocracy, socialism, monarchy, communism, totalitarianism, dictatorship) and compare and contrast it with the United States (Class discussions, articles, textbook, outside sources).

For the first paper assignment, choose one of the seven types of government discussed during the first week of class (anarchy, theocracy, socialism, monarchy, communism, totalitarianism, dictatorship) and compare and contrast it with the United States (Class discussions, articles, textbook, outside sources). For this assignment, use at least 1 scholarly article and cite appropriately.

Compare and contrast communism and fascism. Select one example for each to examine the origins of the governments, their accomplishments, and their failures.

Compare and contrast communism and fascism. Select one example for each to examine the origins of the governments, their accomplishments, and their failures. What accounts for the fact that the masses mobilized to support these movements? Elaborate.

Discuss:What was Communism?

references from -D. Lane, The Rise and Fall of State Socialism -Fred Halliday, ‘What was Communism?’ -C. Pierson, Socialism After Communism examples of communism through europe and asia. Level of democracy in these countries. The change in eastern european countries after the end of soviet union. capitalism and liberalism connection. reasons for communism collapse.