Which type of community is best for the organization you work in?

Click on the following link to read about communities of practice, how they support the organization and different types of communities. https://www.apqc.org/expertise/knowledge-management/communities-of-practice 6.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): How communities of practice support organizations? Which type of community is best for the organization you work in?  

What environmental issues should a potential purchaser of a tract of land be aware of?

Class Project There are three primary ways that real estate is described in the U.S. Explain each. What makes a real estate description legally sufficient? 2. Land use controls Communities control the use of property within their boundaries. How is this done? Why is this done? What are some of the more common controls? 3. […]

Why is it important to examine community and public health in addition to personal health?

1.)How would you define health? 2.)How would you define community? What different communities do you belong to? 3.)Why is it important to examine community and public health in addition to personal health? 4.)Considering the social ecological model, which level do you thichonk is the most important?  

How have you been able to take the skills and tools learned at the Sandler School-use them to impact our communities?

(1) Why did you choose to attend the Sandler School of Social Work? (2) How have you been able to take the skills and tools learned at the Sandler School and use them to impact our communities?Include at least one specific example of how you have made a difference in someone’s life through your profession.

find five (5) instances where mental health is implicated and write a 2 page reaction paper.

. Whether we experience acute or chronic issues ourselves, our family or friends, or in our communities. This assignment is for you to find five (5) instances where mental health is implicated and write a 2 page reaction paper. This assignment calls for you be creative but scientific. Use your imagination but also use science. […]

What does Confucius say about the importance of rites? How might communities and individuals today benefit from strong traditions (or rites)? Are those traditions necessarily damaging to the freedom of individuals?

Topic: What does Confucius say about the importance of rites? How might communities and individuals today benefit from strong traditions (or rites)? Are those traditions necessarily damaging to the freedom of individuals? Paper details: Analytical Paper – 6 pages, double-spaced. A strong analytical paper must be clearly written, explore and connect the relevant readings, include […]

Describe social disorganization theory. Be sure to include a discussion of how Park’s Concentric Zone Theory influenced the development of Shaw & McKay’s Social Disorganization Theory?

1. Describe social disorganization theory. Be sure to include a discussion of how Park’s Concentric Zone Theory influenced the development of Shaw & McKay’s Social Disorganization Theory? 2. What does it mean to say that a community is “socially disorganized”? How might Social Disorganization Theory help to explain the occurrence of street violence in today’s […]

What data exchange standards or additional technologies would Kaiser Permanente benefit from in addition to the implemented platform?

Using Information Technology at Kaiser Permanente to Support Health Equity Chapter 3 Digital Health Text. Answer the following questions in short essay format (3-6 pages) and using at least 3 external references. 1. How is Kaiser Permanente using digital tools and what are the most effective aspects of their deployment? 2. How can mobile devices […]

Develop your own definitions of health and health promotion, including the factors you considered in developing your own definitions of these terms.

Develop your own definitions of health and health promotion, including the factors you considered in developing your own definitions of these terms. As you consider promoting healthy lifestyles for individuals and communities, briefly discuss barriers that may prevent individuals from achieving your definition of health and health promotion. Initial post should be approximately 250 words […]