Using this information and the your knowledge of supramolecular assembly approaches, design a synthesis of a catenane that incorporates a dipyromethene unit in each ring,represented by the general structure below. Your synthesis should start usingthe substituted pyrroleshown (using any other reactants and reagents).

.Name/describe 4 examples of “Supramolecular Chemistry and Supermolecules” that we might encounter in our daily lives, for example in consumer products , medicines or nature. [10%]2.Consider the molecule 1below. (i)Explain why compound 1is expected to be a good host for copper ions over sodium ions.[8%](ii)Copper salts can be toxic. Suggest a potential application of a […]

Describe reasonable sources of error in the quantitative analysis of the unknown’s composition.

. Empirical Data (include units where appropriate) A. Instrument Parameters 1. Instrument Name __________________ 2. Mobile phase gas ______ Flow Rate ______ 3.. Column Description a. Liquid stationary phase identity ________________ b. Column length and diameter ________________ 3. Oven / Column Temperature _________________ 4. Bridge Current _______________ B. Retention Times Compound Name Standard A Standard […]