Use these links and uploaded file to answers these 4 questions in 2 pages. If you have ANY questions please let me know. 1. What is the information processing theory or the computational theory of how the mind works? (Hint: Look at the Palmer chapter in Course Materials, listen to the radio show, and watch the videos) 2. What do Dr. Hoffman and Dr. Brook think about the computational theory of mind (see the YouTube videos under Course Material)? Do they think it can explain everything about how the mind works? If not, what can it not explain? 3. Compare and contrast Searle’s and Aleksander’s opinion in the BBC Radio 4 show. Who do you find yourself agreeing with? Why? 4. What is meant by weak AI and strong AI? Do you think strong AI is possible? Why? Why not?

Use these links and uploaded file to answers these 4 questions in 2 pages. If you have ANY questions please let me know. 1. Use these links and uploaded file to answers these 4 questions in 2 pages. If you have ANY questions please let me know. 1. What is the information processing theory or […]

Show that if 3CNF polynomial-size compiles into a classCthat is nice, then PH = Σp

Computational ComplexityTake-home examHand in via Canvas before March 31 at 17:00Definition 1.We say that a classCof propositional formulas isniceif it has the following property:•There is a polynomial-time algorithm that—given a formulaφ∈ C, a positive integerk∈N, anda partial truth assignmentαto (some of) the variables in Var(φ)—correctly decides if there existsa truth assignmentβ: Var(φ)→ {0,1}that (i) extendsα, […]