How would you determine if employees had the necessary computer skills needed to use a web-based training program?

Training and development individual assignment Conduct a needs assessment for older employees who lacks in computer skills, describe the method you would use. While conducting organization, person, and task analyses. Which one of these analyses do you believe is most important? Which is least important? Why? Also explain how you would determine if employees had […]

Describe your experiences from the time you thought about buying it to the purchase.

Think of a significant purchase that you made recently for example, computer, clothes, services (e.g., travels), etc. Describe your experiences from the time you thought about buying it to the purchase. Also describe your post purchase experiences and the factors that affected levels of your satisfaction. Pre-purchase experience: Purchase experience: Post-purchase experience:  

 How can managers show leadership in the area of cybersecurity defenses and best practices?

Week 1 Discussion The Chief of Staff will be hosting a working lunch this week for your group of interns. In addition to the usual introductions and “getting to know you” discussions, you’ve been advised that there will be a discussion of the following article. Seasonal Employee Security Risks: Present Danger, Proactive Defense Each intern […]

What services does the company provide and under what circumstances.

Look at a warranty for an iPod, a cell phone, or computer. Consider the following questions: Identify the parties to the warranty. Is it covered by the UCC? What are the implied warranties? What are the express warranties? What services does the company provide and under what circumstances. Do you think the consumer is properly […]

Create a program to input, keep track of, and check the user’s attempts to guess a randomly generated number.

CMPSCI – 235 Guess the Number Program This is the old. When you run the program, the computer randomly generates a number. Then, the user is to guess the number. Upon guessing wrong, the program gives him/her a hint as to whether the guess is too high or too low. Once the number has been […]

identify a section of the brain that functions in a way that a computer cannot and explain why by comparing and contrasting the two.

Week 3: Human Vs Computer Review and address the following two prompts: Based upon your reading so far about the brain, identify a section of the human brain that is similar to a computer in its function and describe the similarities by comparing and contrasting the two. Then identify a section of the brain that […]

What are some personal benefits or risks that you have experienced regarding self-disclosure?

Part I. Who am ? This is a question that challenges us throughout our lifetimes. Sometimes we may have an ‘ideal self’ that we think we are or want to be, but there are disconnects between that goal and our ‘real self. How is self-concept different from self-esteem? What shapes your personal self-concept? Do you […]