Discuss what is confidentiality in regards to the medical record-why is it important?

Confidentiality Patients routinely share personal information with health care providers. If the confidentiality of this information were not protected, trust in the physician-patient relationship would be diminished. Patients would be less likely to share sensitive information, which could negatively impact their care. Why is confidentiality important? Creating a trusting environment by respecting patient privacy encourages […]

How can the NP and psychologist maintain a trusting relationship with both Yasmine Kamal and her mother without violating confidentiality?

NUR – ethics case #2 responses Discussion Questions How did the NP and psychologist respect the patient’s confidentiality? Is discussion of the case with the medical director a breach of confidentiality? Why or why not? How can the NP and psychologist maintain a trusting relationship with both Yasmine Kamal and her mother without violating confidentiality? […]

Explain methods that organizations can implement to help ensure compliance with the AUP, mitigate their risk exposure, and minimize liability.

Case Study: Acceptable Use Policy The acceptable use policy (AUP) is a very important policy within organizations to define acceptable employee behavior when accessing company resources. There are also legal implications within AUPs. Use an existing AUP that you are familiar with, such as from a current or previous workplace, or search on the Internet […]