Discuss how you would continue to justify a budget loss to a board of directors or grant funding agency. What negotiation or conflict resolution strategy would you recommend if the board or agency does not accept the initial justification?

Not every operating budget must show a profit. For example, there are many examples of successful mental health and other health related programs that are referred to as “lost leader” programs because they show a loss. This is common with grant funded programs, or benevolent foundation funding. Discuss how you would continue to justify a […]

Discuss Solving incivility in the work place, how can a nurse manager help? ( Conflict resolution)

Topic: Solving incivility in the work place, how can a nurse manager help? ( Conflict resolution) Paper details: I am attaching the research paper detail and rubric. Chat Apply for this order to send messages Type your message here… Files Material DOWNLOAD ALL FILES 12488824 | Final Research Paper.pdf