Identify the conflict in one and then provide an explanation of why you believe that to be the conflict in the second.

Identify three pieces of important information we learn in the exposition, three plot points for the rising action, identify the climax, two plot points for the falling action, and the two pieces of information from the conclusion. The aforementioned points do not need to be complete sentences–absolutely no quotations are permitted, but you must provide […]

Given the wide variety of cases you would supervise, if you were to work as a probation officer? Why?

The main decision made by those working in the probation field is how to manage their dual responsibilities of law enforcement and offender rehabilitation. If 1= enforcement, and 8= rehabilitation, where do you think you would generally fall, given the wide variety of cases you would supervise, if you were to work as a probation […]

Recall a recent conflict you had with someone. How did you manage the conflict?Which conflict style(s) did you use?What factors predicted your conflict style?Discuss

Use 100-200 hundred words to respond to the following questions. Your thread will be public, so please choose a conflict scenario that you feel comfortable sharing. Please note that this extra-credit assignment can NOT be made up, so please submit it by the deadline: 11:59 p.m. on 1/13. •Recall a recent conflict you had with […]

Discuss in that case nexus with an armed conflict needed + define what type of conflict

I – Expected topics to be covered: 1/ jurisdiction + admissibility + 2/ link to crime: individual criminal responsibility / command responsibility / co-perpetration (art. 25) + 3/ different crimes : a) genocide? b) crimes against humanity? c) war crimes? (in that case nexus with an armed conflict needed + define what type of conflict). […]

Explain why the apparent tensions that Loveman identifies between Bonilla-Silva’s theory of structural racism and constructivism are not tensions at all. Illustrate your argument against Loveman’s critiques using evidence from both texts.

Option 1: Identify a tension or contradiction in EBS’s structural theory of racism and the constructivist ontology — as articulated by Chandra, Loveman and or Brubaker. Illustrate the moments of tension with explicit evidence from the texts and explain the significance of this tension for our understanding of identity conflict. Option 2: Critique EBS’s structural […]

Compare the three main Sociological Perspectives (Structural Functionalist, Social Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionist) as well as one the main theorists (Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Karl Marx, and Talcott Parsons). You may also choose another sociological theorist.

For this assignment you will need to compare the three main Sociological Perspectives (Structural Functionalist, Social Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionist) as well as one the main theorists (Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Karl Marx, and Talcott Parsons). You may also choose another sociological theorist.

Discuss on the Swede’s conflict in “The Blue Hotel.”

Use the notes below to write 900 word essay on the Swede’s conflict in “The Blue Hotel.” Your paper must include: A MLA Works Cited page with the following sources, “Pity and Fear in ‘The Blue Hotel’” by Walter Sutton “Seeing and Not Seeing in ‘The Blue Hotel’” by Hollis Cate “The Hero as Victim” […]