Discuss the plot of the play. What is the conflict of the play? What are the characters struggling against and why? What will they gain by succeeding, and/or lose by failing? What are the significant events that happened in the play?

Each student must select a contemporary play from the list above to analyze. You will need to use various research tools to evaluate and synthesize cultural, historical, and symbolic themes contained in the play. Your Contemporary Play Analysis Paper must address the following items. As you read through the play make sure to take notes […]

What do you think? Does the current length of copyright terms conflict with the Constitution and the Founding Father’s intent? Why/why not? Cite evidence; what did the Founding Fathers intend? What did they say? If you research, you will be able to find what some of the founding fathers said. You need ‘proof’ that it does conflict or it doesn’t conflict? What is needed here is a logical argument and arguments that require facts.

Paper details: the Copyright Term Extension Act extended the copyright of items, preventing them from entering the public domain, and in some cases, reviving copyright on items that had entered the public domain. In 2019 many of these items were set to enter the public domain and many predicted that intense lobbying would again persuade […]

Discuss on familial risk factors associated with delinquency. Analyze the impact and strategize how to mitigate these risk factors.

Paper details: Write a 100- to 200-word paper on familial risk factors associated with delinquency. Analyze the impact and strategize how to mitigate these risk factors. Please only write a paper about the risk factor “Parental conflict” and the impact and how to mitigate this particular risk factor. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. […]

Discuss,How can you manage your emotions in a conflict situation so that you remain aware of how you are communicating and listening?

How can you manage your emotions in a conflict situation so that you remain aware of how you are communicating and listening? When you have a conflict with someone with whom you only communicate online (instructor, another student, online customer service, etc.), how do you resolve your conflict? What is appropriate, and what is not? […]

What went wrong in the formation of the Green Team? What should Excel Pro have done differently? Justify your answer.

What went wrong in the formation of the Green Team? What should Excel Pro have done differently? Justify your answer.•What conditions contribute to this team’s cohesiveness? What reduces its cohesiveness?•What do you think of the points plan? How should Excel Pro’s management help the Green Team manage its conflict?What styles of conflict resolution (based on […]

Compare and contrast the perspectives of Durkheim, Marx, and Weber regarding conflict and social change.

Compare and contrast the perspectives of Durkheim, Marx, and Weber regarding conflict and social change. Compare and contrast the functionalist perspectives on culture with the conflict perspectives. Explain the process of gender socialization and racial socialization, including when they occur and the types and forms of messages that are involved.

Discuss,What 6 key take aways can you state from your reading Chapter 3 – Historical Contact and Conflict?

What 6 key take aways can you state from your reading Chapter 3 – Historical Contact and Conflict? In considering your take aways, think about them in relationship to a.) “demonstrating a sense of Indian identity while recognizing the cultural adaptation that tribes have undergone over time” (p. 53) and b.) “a call for a […]

Discuss,Once a conflict arises, there are steps you can take to ensure a communication climate that is conducive to a satisfying outcome. Do you think this is really possible? Why/Why not? How would you go about doing this?

After reading the material and viewing the videos on communication climate and conflict, then taking notes, consider the following questions. Then write your response: 1. Once a conflict arises, there are steps you can take to ensure a communication climate that is conducive to a satisfying outcome. Do you think this is really possible? Why/Why […]

Describe and give examples of how you contributed to the completion of team-related work. For example, did you complete your assigned tasks by the deadline? Was your work high-quality and did it help advance the work of the team? Were you able to assist other team members with their tasks?

Teamwork Reflection Directions: Reflect upon your teamwork skills by addressing the five questions below. Submit to Blackboard a typed document: a minimum of one page and a maximum of 2 pages. Contributes to Team Meetings Give examples of how you participated in team meetings or discussions (online or face-to-face). For example, did you share your […]

Explain the difference between internal conflict and external conflict using both “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway in your answer.

Your essay should include an introduction with a thesis statement, 2 or 3 body paragraphs and conclusion. A Work Cited page is not required. 1. What or who is causing the women’s sickness in both Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s“The Yellow Wallpaper” and Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”? 2. Explain the difference between internal conflict […]