What were the main reasons for World War II-Why did these factors lead to a world war rather than to a number of regional conflicts?

Module 6 Discussion 1.Differentiate between 20th-century totalitarianism, dictatorship, and 18th-century absolutism. 2. What were the main reasons for World War II? Why did these factors lead to a world war rather than to a number of regional conflicts?

Who are the primary stakeholders? What are their interests? What is the extent of agreement on goals? What are the potential conflicts?Discuss

Questions to be addressed in this section include: Who are the primary stakeholders? What are their interests? What is the extent of agreement on goals? What are the potential conflicts? What is the possibility for implementing various alternatives? What are the consequence of implementing alternate solutions

Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games explores the role of the individual in a dystopian world. Explore how Collins presents issues of culture and cultural conflict in this novel, particularly society’s pressure on the individual to conform. How, for example, is gender depicted here, and how does Katniss Everdeen reflect conflicts/negotiations with gendered expectations? Does she create […]

Address the existence of implicit bias and how it aligns or conflicts with your beliefs and actions.

Overview: In this learning module, we explored the ways in which stories influence and shape culture, beliefs, biases, and stereotypes. King utilizes the story of the turtle as an example of the depth of stories and that we often only understand or receive stories at “face value” without understanding how one’s story was built. Adichie […]

What do we have to know to understand human rights conflicts between secular and non secular nations?Explain

Description TOK presentation in IB school, 8 slides + titul+ referencies, in line with  BUT individual and 10-12 minute total. 1200 words. first slides has to be less then 150 words, slides with claims and conclusions – up to 300. theme of presentation: What do we have to know to understand human rights conflicts between […]

Discuss What are the important debates of these early years?

1. Watch short video #1 and watch the 13-minute chunk I marked out for you in video #2 NewYork: The Documentary Film by Ric Burns.Video 1: ​)2. Read through PowerPoint show #3 and follow the threads as best you can. (There is infoabout the problems regarding hostility between Great Britain and France in this PPT.)-Uploaded […]

What common patterns and consequences can be noted in the settlement and resulting conflicts in Acadia when it is compared with other early settlements and other inter-colonial conflicts?

Topic: What common patterns and consequences can be noted in the settlement and resulting conflicts in Acadia when it is compared with other early settlements and other inter-colonial conflicts?

Examine the problems, conflicts, and unresolved issues that require additional research and choose one issue to propose for further research.

Examine scholarly literature for the psychosocial impact of membership in a virtual group or community. Critically review reliable media sources for information related to the implications of membership in the group or community. Explain the methods or procedures used in the studies. Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology used for the studies. […]