How would Freud explain the behavior of her conscience in this scenario?

Ethics week 3 discussion All posts should be thoughtful, respectful, and add substantive value to the discussion. One or two sentences is not a substantive response. All posts should be written using full sentences in paragraph form. The use of philosophical concepts is required to earn full points. Please provide both in-text citations and post-text […]

Discuss Do you think that conscience is the best guide or indicator of moral truth? Share a time when you’ve interacted with someone who seemed to lack a sense of moral sense or conscience. What was your reaction to this person? How should we respond to people who seem to lack morals and hurt others?

Discussion Prompts Select one of the three prompts below to respond to in your initial post this week. You are encouraged to respond to peers that explored prompts that you did not. Prompt #1 Has there ever been a time when you (or someone you know) let your conscience be your guide only to end […]

Summarize what you have discussed in the essay and reflect on what you have learned. Lastly, discuss how what you have learned could be applied to your professional and personal life.

Select a film that features a moral problem in medical ethics. Film recommendations are provided at the following link: Films for Moral Analysis Essay. Write an essay that consists of your analysis of the ethical dimensions of the film that you select to discuss. To do this effectively, you will need to include a well-reasoned […]