What are their strengths and weaknesses?

Marketing Question Write a one-page paper with your opinions of the chosen concept for the restaurant you studied. The brand as a whole their purpose, positioning, voice, look, and consistency along with good quality food and outstanding serviceĀ  is what makes up a memorable experience and a great restaurant that attracts customers and keeps them […]

Why have third parties never really taken off in America-Would you like to see a third party alternative to the Democrats-Republicans?

Discussion 9 Why have third parties never really taken off in America? Would you like to see a third party alternative to the Democrats and Republicans? If yes, what would you look for in such a party? Do you think the Democrats and Republicans will ever face a viable third party challenge? Note to writer. […]

Explain the implication(s) of these results in a few sentences.

1. The research aim. 2. A hedge (a statement that has been softened to avoid criticism). 3. A location statement (a reference to a table or figure). 4. Three different discourse markers (sometimes called connectors or connectives). 5. An attempt to create a reader-friendly flow of ideas between sentences (which does not involve discourse markers). […]