Research both sides of this issue particularly in light of the rulings of the current U. S. Supreme Court Keeping in mind the principle explained in Chapter 2

INT 322: Approaches to Critical Thinking on Judicial Activism “Judicial activism” refers to the philosophy under which judges not just interpret the law–in particular, the Constitution but also, in effect, revise it. Supporters of such activism claim that the law in particular, the Constitution is a living entity that must be revised to fit new […]

Do we wait till a crisis happens to voice our opinions?

The framers of the Constitution were concerned that everyday citizens would not be able to understand or comprehend the makings of our government. They felt that everyday citizens were uninformed and did not care what was going on in our government. Even today we see where citizens are interested in government affairs seemingly only if […]

How does the amendment impact our current system of government/society?

What’s Wrong in the Amendments in the Constitution Select 5 out of the 27 Amendments in the Constitution and give the following accounts on each; 1. What number/sequence is the amendment, including when it was adopted? 2. What does the amendment say at its core? (Summarize the amendment) 3. What reasonable explanations do you believe […]

Compare and contrast these three state sections from your state’s constitution with their comparable sections in the Bill of Rights found in the U.S.

State Powers Review the Bill of Rights for the U.S. Constitution (the first 10 amendments) to understand what rights are listed. There are numerous online sources to find the Bill of Rights. Next, go online and look up your state’s constitution. Find three state sections that are similar to or align with the Bill of […]

What were the main purposes for the writing and distribution of the document, and what evidence of those purposes can be found in the document itself?

Declaration of Independence Read the Declaration of Independence fully. Once you have read the document, address the following questions in a coherent, flowing paper Questions • What are the primary elements or components of the document? • What were the main purposes for the writing and distribution of the document, and what evidence of those […]

Compare and contrast these three state sections from your state’s constitution with their comparable sections in the Bill of Rights found in the U.S.

Review the Bill of Rights for the U.S. Constitution (the first 10 amendments) to understand what rights are listed. There are numerous online sources to find the Bill of Rights. Next, go online and look up New Jersey state constitution. Find three state sections that are similar to or align with the Bill of Rights […]

Are there any threads of elements of liberalism you can identify here?

Carolina Constitution Discussion The original Constitution of the Carolinas stands in sharp contrast with the US Constitution that would be ratified in the following century. How does it differ? What are the most important differences? What are the connections between this and Filmer? Are there any threads of elements of liberalism you can identify here? […]

provide the rough wording of your amendment (you should model the style on the actual

Required length: At least three-and-a-half pages, double-spaced, but you are welcome to go over in order to make your points. Format: 12 pt. Times New Roman, with reasonable margins. Amend the Constitution Throughout the term, we are reading about, discussing, learning about various problems in our political system: problems that affect our government’s ability to […]

Discuss the range of factors and issues that provide background, define, and distinguish the concept of civil liberties (from the concept of civil rights) in jointly forming the fourth tenet of the US national govt.

AH Paper Provide a 4- page original paper demonstrating your understanding of the fourth foundational tenet of American national government, civil liberties, and civil rights. You should research and cite the Abernathy text and additional sources in developing the submission. Submissions should: Discuss the range of factors and issues that provide background, define, and distinguish […]