Which branch of your state government seems the most powerful, on paper-What evidence do you have for your choice?

Locate your state’s constitution and examine the major elements and articles within it. Review its contents and functions. Search for information about the branches of government and the funding sources for your state government. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that addresses the following: How are the main components of government set up by your […]

Does section 121 of the Constitution Act 1867 prohibit the restrictions found in section 123 (a) of The Quebec Film Control Act?

The interplay of sections 92(13) and 121 of the Constitution Act, 1867 and interprovincial trade. Write an essay based upon the foregoing fact scenario that determines whether the Quebec government has the power under section 92(13) to restrict its residents from possessing large caches of movies not purchased from the Quebec Film Corporation—for example, films […]

How does the right to privacy protect a women’s right to have an abortion-not? Is this a constitutionally valid interpretation of the right to privacy? Why -why not?

Prepare: Read Chapters 10 and 11 in the course text and review the following resource Moyers & Company: What’s Fueling the Modern Abortion Debate? Reflect: The fact that the Constitution does not have a specific clause or reference to a right to privacy has become a very contentious cultural, social, and political issue in the […]

Explain how-why federalism has a positive-negative impact on the selected topic.

Federalism and Free Speech Utilize the feedback from your Week 2 and 3 Assignments to create a more thorough outline to form your Final Research Paper. The paper must include five main sections: Introductory paragraph that provides a brief background regarding the topic and introduces the main thesis. In-depth discussion of the implications for federalism […]

What does privacy mean to you-What do you think is reasonable for employees to expect in terms of privacy in the workplace?

1.Should the collective bargaining rights of public employees be eliminated? Expanded? Why do you say that? (Side note: The NC Constitution prohibits state workers from engaging in collective bargaining activities) 2. Are right-to-work laws a good idea? Why or why not? 3.The “historic bargain” that resulted in workers’ compensation laws occurred at a time (the […]

What were the achievements of the Federalist Era?-What were its failings?

The Federalist Era is the period of time between the ratification of the Constitution and Jefferson’s inauguration as president. During this time, the new nation struggled to find firm footing. What were the achievements of the Federalist Era? What were its failings?

Explain the purpose and structure of the system of checks and balances and give an example of how it works.

Write a well-organized essay that is at least five paragraphs long. Prompt: An important feature of the U.S. Constitution is its provision for a system of checks and balances. Explain the purpose and structure of the system of checks and balances and give an example of how it works.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of an unwritten constitution

Description Essay 1 Constitution (350 words) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of an unwritten constitution Essay 2 Sources of Law (600 words) Outline the methods used by judges when interpreting legislation. Illustrate your answer with case law. Essay 3 Legal Professions (550 words) Outline the roles and duties of the following Legal Personal. Evaluate how […]

Explain Why is our Constitution vague? What are the pros and cons of having a constitution that is written vaguely? Pick a “vague’ portion of the US Constitution. Has this vagueness in terminology been problematic or helpful? Provide historical examples.

Description Why is our Constitution vague? What are the pros and cons of having a constitution that is written vaguely? Pick a “vague’ portion of the US Constitution. Has this vagueness in terminology been problematic or helpful? Provide historical examples. Use evidence (cite sources) to support your response from assigned readings or online lessons, and […]