Explain whether you believe that the President should be held accountable for these violations, and discuss whether these violations warrant the removal of his administration.

Should the President be Held Accountable Assignment Should the President Be Held Accountable for the Violation of Citizens’ Constitutional Rights Using what you have learned about the practice of segregation within the United States government, as well as President Wilson’s knowledge of these practices, imagine that you are living in America in 1920 and work […]

Can a state make laws that put a greater burden on minority residents (think voting restrictions)?

This week you will be writing an essay, 2-3 pages double-spaced in length, on what happens when Constitutional rights collide. You can find an example from the news or case law, but here are some suggestions: Religious rights (1st amendment) versus equal protection (14th amendment): https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/05/opinions/masterpiece-cakeshop-supreme-court-opinion-gupta Freedom of speech (1st amendment) versus equal protection/protected classes […]

Discuss whether the federal courts should have the power of judicial review.

Executive and Judicial Power For each thread, students scholarly sources in Bluebook format. Each reply must incorporate at least 2 scholarly sources in Bluebook format. Acceptable sources include the textbooks, Bible, law review articles, or other articles that include legal sources as reference.The question was In the landmark case, Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court […]

Write a policy brief, directed at constitutional framers in Somalia, in which you recommend and justify a specific set of political institutions that should be adopted.

You will write a policy brief, directed at constitutional framers in Somalia, in which you recommend and justify a specific set of political institutions that should be adopted. The purpose of the paper is for you to think critically about the strengths, weaknesses, and tradeoffs inherent in institutional choices, about how different institutions interact with […]

Describe how the policy relates to public policy and elections and how the policy is portrayed by the media.

Description Introduction (half page) (see Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.)) Describe the paper’s overall thesis. Provide an overview of main points. First Main Point (one to one and a half pages) describes the historical and Constitutional basis of American government’s structure and how this relates to the policy. Describe the main point. […]

Explain the basis of the Supreme Court’s power: What is the power of judicial review and how was it created? Does this power limit or expand the power of the federal government?

Description Explain the basis of the Supreme Court’s power: What is the power of judicial review and how was it created? Does this power limit or expand the power of the federal government? What impact, if any, does it have on the power of the states? Explain your position on judicial review: do you support […]

Evaluate the officer’s actions and determine whether his search, the student’s confession, and the weapon discovery were lawful and/or admissible

Write a one (1) page paper in which you: Examine the Constitutional Amendment(s) that would relate to this situation. Outline the appropriate procedures you would need to follow to comply with the associated Amendments to ensure admissibility of evidence. Evaluate the officer’s actions and determine whether his search, the student’s confession, and the weapon discovery […]

Identify and explain the significance constitutional history of each 1. Barron v Baltimore – case law 2.Charles river Bridge Case 3.Cherokee Nation V GA 4. Missouri Compromise 5. Worcester v GA

Description Identify and explain the significance constitutional history of each ( 2-3 sentences per each one) 1. Barron v Baltimore – case law 2.Charles river Bridge Case 3.Cherokee Nation V GA 4. Missouri Compromise 5. Worcester v GA 6.Ablema v Booth 7.Compromise of 1850 8.Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 9.Kansas-Nebraska Act 10.Massachusetts Personal Liberty Act […]

Do you believe or agree with the nature of parties and what they produce in the political arena? Does the current constitutional crisis with regard to party politics speak to that belief?

Do you believe or agree with the nature of parties and what they produce in the political arena? Does the current constitutional crisis with regard to party politics speak to that belief?

Does the rise of “e-government” portend a degree of greater democratic participation in administrative decision making? Why or why not?

Description Please use correct grammar and spelling. Also, use APA style for your references. Assignment Question # 7 (1 Page) Students are expected to prepare no more than 1 full page concise written response to each of the questions posed. 1 – Having read the book, if you could change any three aspects of contemporary […]