Is the Miranda Warning obsolete? Should law enforcement officers continue to inform suspects of their Constitutional Rights? Explain and defend your position

Read 11.3 in the Texas Criminal and Traffic Procedure Manual over Miranda. Is the Miranda Warning obsolete? Should law enforcement officers continue to inform suspects of their Constitutional Rights? Explain and defend your position.

Do you think investigators need these tools, or is this just another example of our Constitutional Rights being gradually eroded?

Forum Review the attached material presented; after doing so, answer the following forum questions: Multiple examples have been introduced which demonstrate how biometrics are being implemented throughout law enforcement in the United States. Based on the information presented, do you think investigators need these tools, or is this just another example of our Constitutional Rights […]

Describe the four-step problem-solving model commonly referred to as SARA.

Week 2 Chapter Review Questions Structure the paper in a way you feel is best with the proper headings. Chapter 1, Question 1 – What did “lynching” mean at its earliest? Chapter 1, Question 2 – When was the gangster era and what was it? Chapter 1, Question 3 – Should Edward Snowden be praised […]