Do you think posing a tension between constitutional contractarianism and public administrative instrumentalism correctly explains how administrative law fits into contemporary US constitutional government? Why or why not?

Assignment Question # 7 (1 Page) Students are expected to prepare no more than 1 full page concise written response to each of the questions posed. 1 – Having read the book, if you could change any three aspects of contemporary constitutional law, including judicial decisions and judicial review, what would they be and why? […]

Identify and discuss the importance of auxiliary programs inside the prison and their relationship to physical security.

Identify the different types of prison facility designs. List examples of supermax prisons, and identify some constitutional issues that arise with supermax custody. Describe the impact of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act on prisons. Identify and discuss the importance of auxiliary programs inside the prison and their relationship to physical security.

Discuss this case in view of the provisions of the 4th Amendment. Has a search occurred? Was her arrest Constitutional?

A female traveler paid for a plane ticket to Miami. When she checked in at the airport, the ticket agent took her luggage and placed it on a conveyor belt so it could be loaded onto the plane. As the luggage was travelling along the conveyor, it passed a narcotics agent whose dogs sniffs every […]

Identify and explain the Constitutional historical significance of each item Rights of Englishmen 3/5ths Compromise Chisholm v. Georgia (1793) Fletcher v. Peck (1810) Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee (1816) Salutary Neglect Connecticut Compromise Cohens v. Virginia (1821) Articles of Confederation Stamp Act Writs of Assistance Intolerable or Coercive Acts, Alien and Sedition Acts, Marbury v. Madison (1803), Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions, Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819), McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), Funding and Assumption, Neutrality Proclamation, Judiciary Act of 1789 , Hylton v. U.S. (1796) . Hartford Convention, Gibbons v. Ogden (1824), Sturges v. Crowninshield (1819), Magna Carta

NOT AN ESSAY – identify and explain the Constitutional historical significance of each item Rights of Englishmen 3/5ths Compromise Chisholm v. Georgia (1793) Fletcher v. Peck (1810) Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee (1816) Salutary Neglect Connecticut Compromise Cohens v. Virginia (1821) Articles of Confederation Stamp Act Writs of Assistance Intolerable or Coercive Acts Alien and Sedition […]

What is the Constitutional authorization for the establishment of patent rights and copyrights?

Assignments for Week #2 – Answers – Intellectual Property Law Q#1 – What is “intellectual property” and how is it different from tangible property? Q#2 – What are the four forms of intellectual property Q#3 – What is the Constitutional authorization for the establishment of patent rights and copyrights? Q#4 – What is the Constitutional […]

Summarize the events leading up to the arrest and identify and discuss the four elements of the arrest related to this case.

The constitutional rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights are most highly protected during the trial stage of a criminal proceeding. This is when the adversarial process, which characterizes the U.S. criminal justice process, is at its peak. discuss a criminal case from within the last three years. Analyze and evaluate the steps which brought […]

Compare and contrast the various means of identifying suspects and describe the process used in this case.

The constitutional rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights are most highly protected during the trial stage of a criminal proceeding. This is when the adversarial process, which characterizes the U.S. criminal justice process, is at its peak. discuss a criminal case from within the last three years. Analyze and evaluate the steps which brought […]

Write a word opinion piece about a Constitutional issue(freedom of speech)based on current events that impact state of California our local communities or our country.

Write a word opinion piece about a Constitutional issue(freedom of speech)based on current events that impact state of California our local communities or our country. 500 -800 word double spaced; follow all MLA rules for format ,provide a “working bibliography” showing sources for the evidence used. Must include four-line header: Name, instructor, course, and date(Use […]