How do the material lives of the families compare to your own experience? Would it be difficult to live at this level of material consumption?

Visit the households in the two countries from different world regions. Summarize and compare the two households in a well-organized, discussion board post. In your post, draw upon what you have learned about each region and its interconnections to the global economy. Consider measures we used to place countries relative to each other, in terms […]

How does the initiative foster alternative ownership, production, consumption and/or distribution?Discuss

How does the initiative foster alternative ownership, production, consumption and/or distribution? How does the initiative contribute to advancing a more progressive “standard of measurement” for development than the Gross Domestic Product? How does the initiative challenfktge or subvert dominant development paradigms?

Write an argumentative essay that defines excessive consumption and proposes at least one change in social conditions and/or behaviour that would help reduce consumption.

Topic 3. Reducing consumption. Assuming that excessive consumption in the more developed countries contributes to environmentally adverse outcomes, write an argumentative essay that defines excessive consumption and proposes at least one change in social conditions and/or behaviour that would help reduce consumption. In your answer be sure to discuss the barriers that making the change […]