Analyze and contextualize it, both as historical and theological source, including what is its place in Islamic history.

Pick one of the three following primary sources: Exchange of letters between the Umayyad Caliph Abdulmalik Ibn Marwan and al-Hasan al-Basrî, on God enabling man to disobey him. Abd al-Jabbar on Gods will and Human freedom, from his commentary on the five principals. Abū al-Hasan al-Ash’arî, on God’s creation of Man’s disobedience, from his book […]

What feature(s) do like most about this book, be it the thesis, content, structure, writing style, or some other feature-Defend your position with specific examples.

Hope Matters: Why Changing the Way We Think Is Critical to Solving the Environmental Crisis TEMPLATE CRITICAL BOOK REVIEW COMMENTARY Geog 3446a Fall 2022 Last name, First name 1. What is/was your attitude toward the climate change crisis just prior to commencing this book, and why? For example, were you pessimistic? Fearful? Complacent? Cautiously optimistic? […]

What forces are particularly strong-how does your firm’s positioning weaken these forces-Discuss whether your firm can sustain its competitive advantage.

Jackson Hewitt Tax Services Positioning Paper Explain how your current (or previous) firm (or organization) is positioned to compete against its rivals: Cost or benefit leader? Broad or narrow focus? Describe the distinctive resources and capabilities that your firm has; and how those capabilities are leveraged to fit its strategic position in the industry. Be […]