Discuss Given that she has a normal pelvic exam, does that change would that influence your decision?

Description Discussion 1: Margaret is a 40-year-old white female in for her annual examination. She states she has been under increased stress in her life for the past few months. She and her husband are currently separated and considering divorce. Her teenaged sons are acting out and she is working extra hours to make ends […]

Discuss,Would you perform a pelvic exam and/or a pap smear?,What is your Diagnosis (Assessment)?

Geri is a 18-year-old high school student in your clinic today because of vaginal discharge.  You have seen Geri three times this past year for the same complaint and have diagnosed chlamydial cervicitis two of the three times.  The other time Geri had bacterial vaginosis. Chief Complaint:  “Lots of yellow vaginal discharge” HPI:  yellow discharge […]