Why does the issuance of a certificate important for the contractor?

Answer the following questions: What does SBC stand for? Why does the issuance of a certificate important for the contractor? What ACT was adopted due to SBC and other certifications? Why? What approach would you use to summarize sub-contractors and suppliers? Use Chapter 17 as your guide.

Should the client pay the main contractor for any loss and expense that might arise from the delay?

Project Administration Question 1 – Approx 500 words Question 2 – use file ‘Application for payment (Task 2)’ to copy format Question 3 – use files ‘Proposed Vehicles Repair Centre (Task 3)’ and ‘Template for elemental cost plan (Task 3 )’ to answer this Question 4 – use file ‘JCT SBC/Q 2016 (Task 4) to […]

What is the principal sanction for unlicensed practice of architecture, engineering-construction?

Discussion Response In this second unit we review the rights and responsibilities of parties to construction contracts. For this week’s discussion, review the following questions from this week’s readings covering the main actors in contracts (Owner, Contractor & Design Professional). Select one question and provide a detailed response based on the readings and other resources […]

What are the mandatory supporting documents that will be required for the Dental Surgery planning application ?

HNC – Construction & The Built Environment – Unit 5 Legal & Statutory Responsibilities in Construction Section 1: Client questions: Using the internal room dimensions shown above calculate the total internal floor area of the proposed building. Looking at the building type and size, what type of planning consent is required for the Pets Grooming […]