Explain how five ethical principles relate to and influence the healthcare decisions made by nurses or clients pertaining to the controversial healthcare situation.

Ethical and Theoretical Influences in Healthcare Decisions Scenario As a member of the Nursing Ethics committee in your organization you have been asked to create a poster presentation for the nursing staff breakroom for display during the upcoming Nurses’ Week. You look forward to this opportunity to share how ethical principles, theoretical frameworks, and the […]

Do they indicate a clear stance on the issue?

22FL-EN325-44 – Advanced Writing for the Social Sciences WK#5 Read the attached document about Contrasting Ideas, then post one or two sentences following the examples in the document, on a controversial topic from your major area, or discipline of study. Remember to use the sentence format provided in the attached sheet. Now, comment on the […]

What arguments can you think of that counter’s this claim-Is stop-and-frisk a form of harassment?

https://amara.org/en/videos/qXRMXyweiEB4/info/nypds-stop-and-frisk-racial-profiling-or-proactive-policing/ watch the following video first then write a paper on the following: The New York Police Department said its controversial policy kept the streets safe, but critics claim it was a form of harassment. What arguments can you think of that counter’s this claim? Is stop-and-frisk a form of harassment? Provide an explanation for […]

Describe a time when you could not reach an agreement with someone on an issue that is considered to be controversial to the public.

Communication during a debate Answer the following: Describe a time when you could not reach an agreement with someone on an issue that is considered to be controversial to the public. The issue should display an opposing debate that has some degree of emotional charge from politics , ethics, philosophy, or religious beliefs. This can […]

What caused the Great Depression? What did leaders do about it, and how effective and controversial were various strategies?

What caused the Great Depression? What did leaders do about it, and how effective and controversial were various strategies? Be sure to FULLY support your argument with historical information in a multi-paragraph essay with a minimum of 300 words (include introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs.)

Is it appropriate to medicate patients whose thyroid levels fall within a normal laboratory range? Why or why not?

Subclinical Hypothyroidism Treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism can be controversial in clinical practice. Go to the literature and find articles that identify evidence on this topic. After your research is done, post your thoughts on the treatment of this condition. Is it appropriate to medicate patients whose thyroid levels fall within a normal laboratory range? Why […]

Explain the rule or language issue you chose-Discuss if there are times when a language rule can be broken-changed.

Research on double negatives The English rule chose was on double negatives Write an essay on the language issue you chose in which you explain the background of the issue and take a stance on regarding the usage rules related to the issue. Be sure your essay addresses the following points: Explain the rule or […]