Describe how this controversial issue could affect your future teaching practices-how it could affect your future students.

Social Injustice and Cultural Identifiers Research Essay Describe the cultural identifier and why you chose it. Explain your connection to your choice of cultural identifiers. Summarize the key historical events that have significantly affected your specific cultural identifier. Summarize the topic in context of K-12 education, including the related cultural identifier and any associated controversies. […]

What is a healthy perspective for your own diet choices-how can we respect of the autonomy of others?

Nutrition Protein supplements are extremely popular and athletes and fitness-minded consumers spend billions of dollars on them each year. Given that these products aren’t necessary with a healthy diet, why are athletes drawn to them?  Is it good or bad? Why? Veganism and vegetarianism have grown in popularity and social acceptance over the last 50 […]

What suggestions can you make to management when it comes to negotiating with unions about health care?

Wages, Benefits, or Both? You have two choices for this written assignment; you only need to address one. Topic 1: The cost of healthcare has been a controversial subject for quite some time, both to businesses and employees. Choose a state and research and compare its minimum wage requirements to the cost of healthcare. Make […]