What are the implications of your thesis being true? Why does it matter? How does accepting your reading change our understanding of the issue/problem? What does your discussion add to the ongoing conversation?

Write a 1400 word argumentative synthesis essay. The topic on hate crime laws. Must have five sources, three of which is listed below in additional material. you must have a work cite page separately from the essay. I require you to use three sources from my lists, the two other sources can come from my […]

Describe the circumstances of a difficult face-to-face conversation you have had in a professional setting. Then recount the specific actions you took to try to resolve the situation, and explain whether or not those actions were effective and why.

First, briefly describe the circumstances of a difficult face-to-face conversation you have had in a professional setting. Then recount the specific actions you took to try to resolve the situation, and explain whether or not those actions were effective and why. Applying the learning resources from the week, analyze the difficult conversation and explain what […]

Why would anyone go through the hassle of translating sentences and arguments into formal logic?

  Why would anyone go through the hassle of translating sentences and arguments into formal logic? In other words, what is the value of clear, formalized reasoning of the sort we’ve discussed this week? Answer in the abstract, and then give a concrete example. Describe a recent conversation when clarity of thinking and reasoning would […]