What was its purpose/function-How was it a reflection of the culture that made it?

https://smarthistory.org/sarcophagus-of-junius-bassus/ https://smarthistory.org/santa-sabina/ https://smarthistory.org/hagia-sophia-istanbul/ https://smarthistory.org/san-vitale/   Watch the 7 videos below and select 4 to write about. Write 5 significant things that you learned about each work of art or architecture. For example: What was the subject matter? What was its purpose/function? How was it a reflection of the culture that made it? What was the […]

Explain to your audience what organizational changes you would recommend that could enhance a shared vision

REFLECTION IN PRACTICE: SHARED VISION AND TEAM LEARNING Write a 300-word (minimum) paper addressed to a particular person/group in which you: Identify and briefly describe your target audience (individual or group). In your own words, explain to your audience the meaning of shared vision and team learning. Why are developing a shared vision and team […]

What is or are the main idea(s) and argument(s) the author is trying to convey to the reader?

What is or are the main idea(s) and argument(s) the author is trying to convey to the reader? (Think about why they decided to sit down and write the document and what their aims were, i.e., what’s their agenda? Is it simply to inform, to inspire people to take action of some sort, to influence […]

write an essay discussing the relationship between the author’s use of two major areas of literary technique, and the larger theme or themes the author intends to convey

English essay write an essay discussing the relationship between the author’s use of two major areas of literary technique, and the larger theme or themes the author intends to convey. Show how each technique is employed, and how the use of each technique helps the author develop her or his theme(s). Essays should be typed, […]

What is one section of the review that stood out to you and why? In your answer, provide a quotation for this section and explain why you think this quotation is important.

1. Complete The Anthropocene Reviewed Reflection 1 2. Answer the following five questions in one document The Anthropocene Reviewed Reflection 1 First, take a few minutes to reflect on what you listened to and/or read for this week. Next, pick one review to focus on and provide thoughtful and thorough answers to the following questions. […]