Describe how the conviction was appealed and whether the defendant received any reparations.

Wrongful Conviction Research Paper The strength of our criminal justice system depends on its ability to be accurate and swift in convicting the guilty and in clearing the innocent. However, wrongful convictions do happen sometimes. Identifying and understanding the causes of wrongful convictions is critical to maintaining the integrity of our justice system. Research a […]

Describe how the conviction was appealed and whether the defendant received any reparations.

Research a case in which an inmate was wrongfully convicted and eventually released based upon new evidence.   Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following: Indicate if the wrongful conviction was based upon unethical practices by the police, court, probationary personnel, or witnesses. Describe how the conviction was appealed and […]

Distinguish between the terms actus reus and mens rea. How are they significant in criminal law?

Distinguish between the terms actus reus and mens rea. How are they significant in criminal law? To what standard of law must the defendant’s mens rea be proven in order to gain a criminal conviction? Must the state prove “what the defendant was thinking at the time of the crime” in order to prove mens […]