Would you recommend a patent, trademark, copyright, or a trade secret-Explain your reasoning and the steps you might take to protect your marinade recipe from competitors.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, INSURANCE, AND ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) Case Assignment Once you have thoroughly reviewed the readings in the background materials and are comfortable with the concepts of intellectual property and business insurance, write a full 4 pages (excluding title and references pages) addressing the questions in the five scenarios below. Include a minimum of […]

What violations were brought up-What was the verdict? Do you agree-disagree with the verdict?

Search for a court case regarding one of the topics we discussed this week (Patent/Copyright/Trademark or Personal Property). Summarize the details of the case. What violations were brought up? What was the verdict? Do you agree or disagree with the verdict? Include a link to the information you used (video or article).

What do you think? Does the current length of copyright terms conflict with the Constitution and the Founding Father’s intent? Why/why not? Cite evidence; what did the Founding Fathers intend? What did they say? If you research, you will be able to find what some of the founding fathers said. You need ‘proof’ that it does conflict or it doesn’t conflict? What is needed here is a logical argument and arguments that require facts.

Paper details: the Copyright Term Extension Act extended the copyright of items, preventing them from entering the public domain, and in some cases, reviving copyright on items that had entered the public domain. In 2019 many of these items were set to enter the public domain and many predicted that intense lobbying would again persuade […]

Analyse the implications of intellectual property rights and copyright for the development and use of resources.

Produce a report which Explains the importance of research in the development of learning and teaching opportunities for disabled young people and adults. Analyses how theories of learning inform learning and teaching practice in relation to disabled learners Analyses the social model of disability and its impact on inclusive learning opportunities for disabled young people […]

Discuss,Should anyone be allowed to use any picture (or other copyrighted work) without permission and/or compensation from the copyright holder?

Paper details: There are many different graphic file formats. Some store raster data while others store vector data. List and define five different vector AND raster formats. Select one raster AND one vector format and compare them. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each. Try not to use formats already discussed. In the United States, […]

Discuss:Should anyone be allowed to use any copyrighted work without permission and/or compensation from the copyright holder?

Should anyone be allowed to use any copyrighted work without permission and/or compensation from the copyright holder? How do you know a work is copyrighted? If it is, how do you get permission to use it? What are the ramifications of using a copyrighted work? How can you protect your own work so it is […]