What factors do you believe influenced the choice of protection strategy used for the innovation identified above?

What are the differences between patents, copyrights, and trademarks? What factors should a firm considering marketing its innovation in multiple countries use in formulating its protection strategy? When are trade secrets more useful than patents, copyrights, or trademarks? Identify a situation in which none of the legal protection mechanisms discussed (patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets) […]

What is the Constitutional authorization for the establishment of patent rights and copyrights?

Assignments for Week #2 – Answers – Intellectual Property Law Q#1 – What is “intellectual property” and how is it different from tangible property? Q#2 – What are the four forms of intellectual property Q#3 – What is the Constitutional authorization for the establishment of patent rights and copyrights? Q#4 – What is the Constitutional […]