What role does immunity play when caring for a patient that is experiencing a high amount of stress due to a loss?

Discussion Directions: What role does immunity play when caring for a patient that is experiencing a high amount of stress due to a loss? make an initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other student’s posts with substantial details that demonstrate an understanding of the concepts, and critical thinking. Remember that your […]

Identify at least one effective and one non-effective nursing intervention.

Discussion include the following in your initial posting: Describe a client from your clinical setting or work who experienced severe anxiety or panic. Include a brief history and three most pertinent medications. Describe the assessment process for this patient. Identify at least one effective and one non-effective nursing intervention. Why did they work? What didn’t […]

Why is surgical integrity important when dealing with patient care?

Why is surgical integrity important when dealing with patient care? make an initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other student’s posts with substantial details that demonstrate an understanding of the concepts, and critical thinking. Remember that your posts must exhibit appropriate writing mechanics including using proper language, cordiality, and proper grammar […]

What nonverbal and verbal techniques did you use in this relationship?

DISCUSSION Activity Time: Activity Time: 2 Hours (Additional Time for Study, Research, and Reflection: 1 Hour) Directions: In this discussion, we’ll talk about the nurse-client relationship and the use of therapeutic communication as an important part of that relationship. answer the following questions: What are your concerns or fears about mental health nursing in general? […]