What are the three practices that you assign the highest priority-How would you address these three practices?

Topic: BMGT 496 – Week 5 Discussion Read the Wells Fargo Case at The Wells Fargo Cross-Selling Scandal You have just been named the new CEO at Wells Fargo.  The facts cited in the above case reflect the reality of the situation you have just inherited.  You are concerned about all the practices you find […]

What are the essential human resources management practices identified in the textbook-How do each of these areas contribute to the success of an organization?

KEEP QUESTIONS SEPARATE 1)What are the essential human resources management practices identified in the textbook? How do each of these areas contribute to the success of an organization? 2)After reviewing the topic resources, explain why ethical behavior, social responsibility, and sustainability are important aspects of corporate governance. What are the four tenets of conscious capitalism […]

How did you acquire your current global mindset? Even if you feel it may be low, every level counts. Explain.

Week 4 Coursework 1. What are the benefits of a global mindset in a business environment? 2. How did you acquire your current global mindset? Even if you feel it may be low, every level counts. Explain. 3. Which capital of the global mindset is the hardest to develop? Why? 4. What would be the […]

Does the leader impact organizational culture or does organizational culture impact the leader? Explain. If you were the leader of Zappos, what new elements would you add to the corporate culture? Explain. How does the corporate culture impact vision, mission, and strategy at Zappos?

Read the information regarding Zappos in your book. Does the leader impact organizational culture or does organizational culture impact the leader? Explain. If you were the leader of Zappos, what new elements would you add to the corporate culture? Explain. How does the corporate culture impact vision, mission, and strategy at Zappos?

Discuss the support and feedback provided to you at the strategic level (e.g. by CEO, top executives), the administrative level (e.g. middle managers) and/or the operational level (e.g. other staff / peers) during your integration into the company and during ongoing activities within your department.

Analyze your positioning within the company’s or your department’s organization. Consider the following: e.g. organization regarding ownership, business strategy, organizational structure, corporate culture and communication channels, relationships with main customers and prospects, competitors, suppliers, and other external stakeholders. Identify 3 problems or areas for improvement (weaknesses) within the company and relate EACH of them to […]